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Monday, December 6, 2010

Sean Hannity's "Conservative Victory"

Sean Hannity delivers an additional explosive book about the dangers of liberalism and the require of Conservative Victory. He goes into fantastic detail about the danger Obama's pals, programs and relationships pose for those who think in freedom and smaller government.

His initial chapter goes into Obama's history and how he was raised. He was raised up by his mother and Grandparents who had numerous Marxist views. These views shaped him into what he is these days and ready him for his life in liberal politics.

Sean goes into fantastic detail about the radical pals and associations that he either had or has today in the course of his political profession. The book goes into wonderful detail about how these buddies have influenced his behavior as a Senator and President of the United States.

Sean also goes into detail about his socialist views and policies. These policies have created the nation weaker and emboldened our enemies as time progresses. These policies have failed the American Men and women as they have created him and his buddies richer. These funds are carried on the backs of the American Tax payer and the future tax payers not but with us.

His appeasement mentality has exposed him for who is genuinely is. President Obama is a coward who would trie to appease those who hate us even though shunning those who would ally with us. This has created for a weak America and risky globe.

Sean also expresses his views as a "Reagan Conservative." It shows up in the course of the book and he devotes an total chapter in the book. He believes this variety of conservatism which entails a smaller government, far more freedoms and person responsibility will bring this nation back to its prosperous approaches. He also goes into detail about a new "Contract with America" that would hold those in workplace accountable to the Men and women they represent. It would also lessen the the influence the government would have in the lives of the American People today.

Sean Hannity goes into excellent detail about how the Republican party had lost its way. The outcome was the loss of the majorities that they carried in each houses of Congress. It goes into detail on what the Republicans ought to do to win the heart of the conservative base and to take back the House and Senate.

For Wonderful Political Book critiques please check out

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