Does your job suck?
I don't know about you but I hate working a job. Hate it.
Don't get me wrong, I like work. In fact, I can go for 20 straight hours working on items I enjoy like my online businesses but put me in a repetitious job, regardless of pay, and I turn into a miserable prick.
How about you? Do you enjoy your job? And if you do, please tell me, how do you do it day after day? Go on and post your response. I and many others would love to read it.
By the way, I bought a great book the other day that I think you will enjoy. I'm only on page 60 so I'm not going to recommend yet. Give me a couple days to finish it and I'll let you know what it is.
And before I forget and post this in a rush, I have a free ebook for you if you want it. It's pretty basic stuff but good information if you're not a computer geek. You can download it here:
Computer Maintenance Guide.
Take care!
Matthew Doeing
P.S. By the way, I have two reasons for starting this blog. First, to blurt out my opinion on everything and, two, to help you with any problems you may have. I'm no Dear Abby but I do have common sense and between myself and the readers I think we may be able to help out. If not, no harm, no foul.
P.P.S. Has anyone read 7 Secrets & 30 Lazy Days? (I love the website!) If you have let me know what you think? If you decide to get it through my link above tell me what you think and I'll give you access to my Whole Freakin' Package.