The Death Of Saddam
Man, I have to give credit where credit is due.
The Iraqis don't f**k around when it comes to a good ole fashion execution. Saddam is scheduled to get his neck yank tonight just a short time after being found guilty of killing 140 plus people in the town of Dujail back in 1982. Hell, a murderer of this magnitude would be a celebrity in the USA and could appeal this guilty verdict in the courts for 20 years. But not in Iraq. Bravo!
>>> Great books on Saddam's Terror
For all the whiny bleeding hearts who despise the death penalty here are a few Saddam stats:
- Human Rights Watch estimates that Saddam's 1987-1988 campaign of terror against the Kurds killed at least 50,000 and possibly as many as 100,000 Kurds. The Iraqi regime used chemical agents to include mustard gas and nerve agents in attacks against at least 40 Kurdish villages between 1987-1988. Men, women, and children died brutal and painful deaths.
- The U.S. Committee for Refugees reports, in 2002, 400,000 Iraqi children under the age of five died of malnutrition and disease due directly to the regime of Saddam
- Saddam Hussein's regime carried out frequent summary executions, including:
- 4,000 prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in 1984
- 3,000 prisoners at the Mahjar prison from 1993-1998
- 2,500 prisoners were executed between 1997-1999 in a "prison cleansing campaign"
- 122 political prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib prison in February/March 2000
- 23 political prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib prison in October 2001
- At least 130 Iraqi women were beheaded between June 2000 and April 2001
Of course, these few documented stats don't even touch on the thousands of mass graves discovered in Iraq.
To anyone who mourns the death of Saddam, all I can say is, you're a freakin idiot. Save your pity for his victims. And to the Iraqi justice system, you passed your first big test. Keep it up.
Matthew Doeing
fuck the liberals and bring on the hangings world is full of bloody wankers who need to be hung
And how did Saddam get to be so powerful in the first place?
Tha's right, your hero, that idiot Ronald Reagan, played nice with him and gave him all those chemical weapons, and al but invited him to invade Kuwait .
So don't go sanctmoniously telling us what a bad man Saddam was. You idiotic Americans made him what he was, every step of the way.
Yankee go home!
You envious piece of shit. Why is America and the West blamed for every evil man does on the planet?
Saddam was the better of two evils at that time. We supported Irag to defeat Iran because Iran was a bigger threat.
Tell me, why does a country only a couple hundred years old have to baby sit the middle east anyhow? After thousands of years all you've managed to do is kill one another and spread evil in the name of your god.
America is the richest most powerful nation on earth because we worship the one true God. Although many liberals and foreigners within our great country are fighting our right to worship God we are still a very blessed nation.
By the way I don't see a flood of immigrants pouring into Irag, Iran, Sudan, Syria, etc. Why is this? It's because these countries suck! Yes, there probably are many good people trapped in these countries but the governments are pure evil.
Have a great day!
as much as I am very content with Saddam being executed, but please let me remind the world of some other crimes in Iraq.
I will not give numbers, they are published in the news. however, I'd love to remind whoever reads this blog or this comment, that the main reason declared by the american government to invade Iraq was searching (and destroying) mass destruction weapons, which (till now) have NEVER been found.
several explanations have been given by the american authorities, but does any of these explanations excuse the chaos, the crimes, the massacres happening in Iraq on a daily basis now that (America has brought democracy to Iraq)?
I'll let you answer this on your own.
Interesting post. I agree with Anonymous when he says that the Ronald Reagan-headed US gov.were the guys responsible for handing Saddam those chemical weapons. Remember, it was the same story with Osama.
But one thing that puzzles me, is the wrong notion most Middle Eastern countries have about Americans.
I personally maintain constant contact with a large number of friends in the US, and have found them to be warm and friendly folks. (I think that on the whole, the American people are great!)
I believe it's the US governments that are corrupt and NOT the people.
Unfortunately, most folks in the Middle East are unaware of this fact.
Also, to be honest, most American governments do have a tendency to poke their noses in other countries' affairs, when they could be better off serving their own people.
Think about it. Why on earth did they have to go fight a war in Iraq for no reason at all?
It was claimed at the time by Bush, that weapons of mass destruction were being secretly hidden by the Iraqi gov., but not a single one was found, after Saddam's gov.was overthrown!
The only reason the US bombarded Iraq was to gain access to the country's massive oil reservoirs. This is now a well-documented fact.
So you see, the US is not really 'babysitting' the Middle East, but rather, invaded their nations for all the wrong reasons!
I guess this is the reason why they are the target of blame.
And you're right - the governments of Sudan, Syria, etc. are pure evil. But I'm sure that many would agree that the current gov.of America also falls into this category!
***Please note that I'm NOT anti-American. Like I mentioned before, I've got many American friends who are truly wonderful people. And the same can be said about my pen-pals from the Middle East.
I think it's high time people on both sides start seeing the good in each other, and try repairing the ever-widening rift that engulfs them right now.
Their respective governments instead, need to be blamed for causing all of the friction that presently exists between the US and the Middle East.
Although I disagree with much of what they say, still good, intelligent comments by both Sarah and Anonymous.
First, to state that the US government is corrupt or evil is laughable. Sure they make huge, stupid boneheaded mistakes and often hard cruel decisions are made with national security (and politics) in mind.
But the US government does not brainwash children to hate and murder soon after birth. The US government does not promise heaven to homicide bombers. The US does not cry for the destruction of any race of people (as do many middle east nations in regards to Israel)
Regarding not finding WMD's. We were wrong to a point as was every other nation in the world. Even Saddam stated he had them. Of course, the definition of WMD's vary. Chemicals and gas could easily be declared WMD's but granted, they are not nuclear.
Yes, there are killings and chaos every day in Iraq. Probably more so than when Saddam was in power and treated people like cattle, killing any that strayed.
But there are also schools, Churches, Mosques, businesses, homes, and hospitals, being built. There is hope amoung many of the civil Iraqis. There is a sense of freedom that hasn't existed in decades. All this compliments of the USA and the American soldiers.
As far as the the USA going to war only for oil is a borderline stupid statement and is NOT a well documented fact except for maybe on CNN or the NY Times. Please let me know how much oil the USA has extracted from Iraq for the American people. The answer is zero. All oil monies are poured back into Iraq.
I stick with the statement that we babysit the middle east. If not for us every nation over there would be fighting, killing, and pillaging each other or consolidating forces to destroy Israel.
The USA is not perfect. We f**k things up once in awhile. But there is no better country on the face of the earth nor will there ever be.
Again, great comments. Keep it up!
The number of abortions committed in U.S.A. make Saddams "crimes" look like a tea party! Why dont you all waken up !!!
Testosterone can be a wonderful thing but it can impede brainwave activity. No one can deny Saddam was a bastard but that’s only one aspect of what really happened. To any Sunni or other world citizen it is evident this was a revenge killing by the Shiites and an assassination by America, poorly disguised as legal by a kangaroo American sponsored Shiite court.
Put the shoe on the other foot and answer how you would feel if “W” was hanged on Christmas day by alien invaders who had made it illegal to even be a Republican or hold any office? As we know some in the U.S. would cheer and others would pant for deep revenge.
Saudi Arabia has stated they will back their Sunni brothers with oil money and arms and I wonder if there will be any future photos of Saudi kings and US presidents holding hands; I highly doubt it.
In the end a simple question has to be answered: What did it accomplish? In the short term not much, but in the long term… If you were a Sunni who lost everything, and I do mean everything; how far would you go and what would you do to get revenge and reclaim your self respect? Yet to pacify them is simplicity itself. We provide them with safety, security, respect and a future since it was we who took those things away.
In our arrogance and stupidity we will instead blunder along and sacrifice more lives on the altar of greed and superiority.
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