The Death Of Saddam
Man, I have to give credit where credit is due.
The Iraqis don't f**k around when it comes to a good ole fashion execution. Saddam is scheduled to get his neck yank tonight just a short time after being found guilty of killing 140 plus people in the town of Dujail back in 1982. Hell, a murderer of this magnitude would be a celebrity in the USA and could appeal this guilty verdict in the courts for 20 years. But not in Iraq. Bravo!
>>> Great books on Saddam's Terror
For all the whiny bleeding hearts who despise the death penalty here are a few Saddam stats:
- Human Rights Watch estimates that Saddam's 1987-1988 campaign of terror against the Kurds killed at least 50,000 and possibly as many as 100,000 Kurds. The Iraqi regime used chemical agents to include mustard gas and nerve agents in attacks against at least 40 Kurdish villages between 1987-1988. Men, women, and children died brutal and painful deaths.
- The U.S. Committee for Refugees reports, in 2002, 400,000 Iraqi children under the age of five died of malnutrition and disease due directly to the regime of Saddam
- Saddam Hussein's regime carried out frequent summary executions, including:
- 4,000 prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in 1984
- 3,000 prisoners at the Mahjar prison from 1993-1998
- 2,500 prisoners were executed between 1997-1999 in a "prison cleansing campaign"
- 122 political prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib prison in February/March 2000
- 23 political prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib prison in October 2001
- At least 130 Iraqi women were beheaded between June 2000 and April 2001
Of course, these few documented stats don't even touch on the thousands of mass graves discovered in Iraq.
To anyone who mourns the death of Saddam, all I can say is, you're a freakin idiot. Save your pity for his victims. And to the Iraqi justice system, you passed your first big test. Keep it up.
Matthew Doeing